Sunday, December 4, 2011

Where can I find information on FREE debt consolidation? It seems wrong that people charge you a fee.?

Why is it that all these sites on the web want to help you, but they also want a fee, which makes your amount of debt go even higher? Are there any honest engines out there to go to?|||They have to carry out work to do it, writing letters, making calls, organising agreements. So they have to charge for that. They also need to make a profit - they are in business after all!

But be careful - all debt consolidation people do is bring all the loans to one account for a longer period which whilst it might appear you are paying less because your payments may be smaller - you actually pay a lot more over a longer period.|||Get valuable tips on debt consolidation from . It's a very useful website.

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|||You can do it on your own. Go to and clip on the Debt management tab. It has different calculators.

Good luck

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